We believe that there is another and better answer besides "yes" or "no."

We believe that there is another and better answer besides “yes” or “no.”

During the early years of the 18th Century, a group of Social Scientists masquerading as Biologists, Chemists, and Apothecaries, led by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, had several meetings at secret locations in New England; locations that had been scouted out by Jonathan Edwards. The purpose of these clandestine meetings was to put the wheels into motion for a grand social experiment that was designed to test the levels of human credulity, bonds of friendship, and herd mentality. Partially the brainchild of John Arbuthnot, this grand social experiment was finally brought to fruition and sprung into motion by the tireless efforts of Lady Montagu.

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Beanie Babies Terror Alert!!!

Stare into the eyes; you'll learn everything that you need to know.

Stare into the eyes; you’ll learn everything that you need to know.

It’s easy to mislead people when most of the people alive today weren’t alive when the product at the center of the “rumor/myth” in question was most popular. So it is with Beanie Babies. A shockingly large percentage of people alive today were not alive during the 1990s, and the Snopes Team has taken advantage of that. Snopes has purportedly refuted the troubling report that spider eggs used to stuff Beanie Babies are now hatching. The problem is that the report is completely true. Well, completely true in the scary overview sense, but false in one particular. The eggs aren’t spider eggs; they’re much worse!

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