Ban Hangman!

How is this ok?

How is this ok?

Over the holidays, several of the Snipes Team observed their nieces and nephews playing games. Most of these games were innocuous and joyful. But, one game stuck out for its violent imagery and its slippery slopeness to insensitive debauchery – the game Hangman. After discussing it via a Skype conversation, we at Snipes believe that the game Hangman should be banned.

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Unschooling to Unparenting

Parent, don't allow yourself to become confused by the so-called experts. Trust yourself!

Parent, don’t allow yourself to become confused by the so-called experts. Trust yourself!

According to conversations overheard amongst the kale and quinoa aisles at our local farmer’s market, an educational philosophy called Unschooling is all the rage. The members of the Snipes Team want our children (if we were ever to have children, that is) to benefit from the latest parenting fads and trends. So, in the hunt for truth, we did some research about Unschooling, and discovered an exciting parenting philosophy that makes us want to have children even more. But, even more exciting, during our research, we uncovered a brand new parenting fad called Unparenting.

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Steve Jobs and Parenting Advice

Computers enhance cuteness.

Computers enhance cuteness.

Several months ago, articles began circulating the internet about how Steve Jobs strictly limited his children’s access to technology in the form of iPads, iPhones, and computers in general. The many Mommy Blogs that we at Snipes followed eloquently bloviated about how Steve Jobs had now become one of their parenting mentors. Well, we at Snipes are nothing if not excellent parents, and so we immediately jumped on the anti-technology-for-kids bandwagon, and confiscated all their phones, computers, and, just to be safe, Speak & Spells.

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