We believe that there is another and better answer besides "yes" or "no."

We believe that there is another and better answer besides “yes” or “no.”

During the early years of the 18th Century, a group of Social Scientists masquerading as Biologists, Chemists, and Apothecaries, led by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, had several meetings at secret locations in New England; locations that had been scouted out by Jonathan Edwards. The purpose of these clandestine meetings was to put the wheels into motion for a grand social experiment that was designed to test the levels of human credulity, bonds of friendship, and herd mentality. Partially the brainchild of John Arbuthnot, this grand social experiment was finally brought to fruition and sprung into motion by the tireless efforts of Lady Montagu.

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The Truth About Chernobyl!

A smuggled photo of what Pripyat actually looks like now.

A smuggled photo of what Pripyat actually looks like now.

Much has been made of the decrepit condition of Pripyat, the city devastated by the Chernobyl disaster. In fact, in recent weeks, photos and videos, supposedly taken by a drone flying over the area purported to have been affected by Chernobyl, have circulated on the internet, leaving many people shaking their heads, aghast at the ghostly waste. We at Snipes, before even viewing the alleged photos and videos of the decaying Pripyat, were immediately suspicious of the validity of those photos and videos. Cringing at the many shares on our Facebook newsfeeds, we became concerned about the harm being unwittingly perpetuated by our well-meaning and duped friends and family – duped by the World Powers that want us to believe that nuclear power isn’t as terrible as it actually is.

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