Minecraft Is Ruining America!

Sword-wielding, shirtless dudes astride a unicorn are most definitely un-American!

Sword-wielding, shirtless dudes astride a unicorn are most definitely un-American!

When we were children, the Snipes Team frequently heard that the Communists had infiltrated our cartoons, music, and He-Man toys in order to change us all to a some shade of red – a few of us only made it to pink. Thankfully, we all dropped out of college, and so our indoctrination never fully took. We at Snipes are proudly a mix of blue and white to go with whatever red may be in us. All that to say, we are preternaturally skilled in picking up on attacks against this great country of ours. And, the popular video game, Mine Craft, represents one of the most insidiously evil attacks on the youth of this country since someone thought it was a good idea to make heroes out of the spawn of interbreeding cats and humans.  Continue reading